Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

it was to prevent my death

i didn’t want atlas to get attacked
and then they got attacked anyway

This is a logical leap that doesn’t mesh with what I’ve been saying.

do i need to sharpen my axe to hack down your scarecrow, or is pulling it from the roots good enough?

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I didn’t get the sensation that Magnus was trying to do tha, ATlas

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I hope my keyboard isn’t messed up

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so they claimed


overwhelmingly 2
so they claimed

Am I an overwhelming 2, I’d want to overwhelm people

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a logical leap, yes.

Tea 2?

not my place to say

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Is tea that good that they made a version 2 of it?


I meta’d the Huli Jing’s existence, the Pit-Hag would only need to be there by necessity.
Or at least its ability, in the case of a Huli Jing Pit-Hag. I have never claimed that a Pit-Hag would add a Huli Jing, nor have I ever solved from the perspective that a Huli Jing didn’t exist.

so; you meta’d that both huli jing and pithag are inplay
huli jing for some reason, and pit-hag by necessity

Otter never responded or publicly acknowledged any insinuation that I was “lying” ahead of time. However, they did say this.

Otter didn’t have access to codes (except for Pandoracode which doesn’t count), but they said this as a response.


That wouldn’t count as “meta’ing” Pit-Hag.