Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Baker was heavily trying to imply Gambler Pixie in whisper with me and Magnus and in public later


my fullclaim was in there

You donā€™t claim Pixie as Pixie

Atlas how about you?

no i wasnt

Itā€™s difficult when those lies actively support alternative worlds, yeah.

i believed similarly, yes

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Magnus were they trying to imply Gambler Pixie

Look itā€™s not a debate about them being a townsfolk
Itā€™s about whether they are exactly mutant
And if they are just do absolutely nothing and keep claiming whatever you are, donā€™t break madness

Will be going to sleep soon

Good night

i have a compounding migraine
so iā€™ll describe this later
if l.una or baker wants to transcribe the whisper and mildly change the words first they can

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My braces will cease to exist

Iā€™ve ascended from nerd emoji

I donā€™t see how your fakeclaim would matter to how Baker softclaimed evil, unless they said something like ā€œIā€™m so happy I murdered that roleā€.

Did you not claim to them on D1?

magnus asked if i had sentry written in my card, i said i cant answer that. i gave 3 claims and we discussed about puzzlemaster and courtier

Yes they were. Or at least thatā€™s what I had them marked as.

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Baker explicitly gave me a 3f3 which had Courtier and did not have Pixie in it.

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I donā€™t need the whisper transcribed. I just want a synopsis.

I had them marked as Gambler alone because I didnā€™t know about the competing claim but I think you two implied you did? It was Gambler Pixie zone

Pixie or Gambler, to be clear.

You donā€™t claim Pixie as Pixie