Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

High Guardian Spice

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/whisper @tutuu @Atlas

We dance

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what do i do?


Do the chicken dance


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no im joking /accept

Youā€™ll need to wait for Atlas to accept.

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i cant speak itt while weā€™re whispering right?

also wait why am i whispering with silvu and atlas? i mean i dont mind but is there any specific reason? hahah

ive been listening to this on repeat for the 10th time this is a straight banger


/whisper silviu, tutuu

sorry fol stopped working and had to restart my phone

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If you do, the whisper is broken.

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Okay, this is amazing.

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We had a whole Lazytown bit when I was like 11 on Warrior Cats sitesā€¦ each of us had an assigned Lazytown character who we were often represented as in various artworks. I was Robbie Rotten. Naturally


magnus lets whisper since atlas stole tutuu/silviu from me ;-;

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or may

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or both so we can be economic

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Iā€™m good with any number of people in whisper


Iā€™ve already whispered with May today, and theyā€™re my neighbour, but if itā€™s in another 3-way that just makes it sustainable business. Iā€™m fine with it.


Everyoneā€™s just going to keep calling them 3-ways huh

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It speaks volumes more about anyone who gets bothered about it than those who donā€™t realise the problem.