Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

A prophecy!

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Nobody has scumread me all game and suddenly I have 4 votes. Minions might be scrambling to save the nominated demon (baker or bionic)

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I don’t know your claim or whether I should trust you to be fair and you are in 1-8.

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tutuu is a wolf :joy_cat:


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By that logic do you scumread L.una too? Most of my whispers have been group whispers. I have been social coz I like mafia; I like talking

@Atlas can tell it to you if they want

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@IcetFeelsPain I see you liked my post but did not disclose your ROME STATUS. Disclosure of ROME STATUS is mandatory for the solving of this game. Please disclose your ROME STATUS at your earliest convenience.


Would you be fine with atlas telling me your claim tutuu.

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mindmeld, tutuu lock v

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Do gossips ever kill wolves btw?

It’s a townsfolk ability after all.

The short answer is no, but I don’t think I’m really equipped to explain why right now.



Seat Order D2 Whispers (#2) (#3) (#4) (#5)
:headstone: :empty_nest: [1] GGhana
:heart: :ballot_box: [2] Someone (Artemis) (L.una) (Bionic)
:heart: :ballot_box: [3] L.una (Atlas) (Jarek) (Baker, Atlas) (Someone) (May)
:heart: :ballot_box: [4] Baker (L.una, Atlas)
:heart: :ballot_box: [5] Tutuu (Kiiruma, May, Atlas)
:heart: :ballot_box: [6] Kiiruma (Tutuu, May, Atlas) (Hazard)
:heart: :ballot_box: [7] Bionic (Someone) (Jarek)
:heart: :ballot_box: [8] Jarek (L.una) (Bionic)
:headstone: :ballot_box: [9] Luka
:headstone: :ballot_box: [10] IcetFeelsPain (May)
:heart: :ballot_box: [11] Artemis (Someone) (Magnus) (Atlas)
:heart: :ballot_box: [12] Silviu (Magnus, Hazard)
:heart: :ballot_box: [13] Magnus (Artemis) (Silviu, Hazard)
:heart: :ballot_box: [14] May (IcetFeelsPain) (L.una) (Tutuu, Kiiruma, Atlas)
:headstone: :ballot_box: [15] Otterpopd
:headstone: :ballot_box: [16] Atlas (L.una) (L.una, Baker) (Artemis) (Tutuu, Kiiruma, May)
:heart: :ballot_box: [17] Hazard (Silviu, Magnus) (Kiiruma)

this is not true.

they were voting me yesterday

Very well

I am town

I don’t really know how to convince you that I’m town, or if you are town yourself. You scumread me because basically you think the other suspects are too derpy to be the demon. Which I can’t really logically argue against, I can just say that I’m town

Usually not. The kill itself and the information it provides is all it gives you.
Sometimes the Gossip will even kill the Zombuul.


Anyone wanna whisper with somewhat tipsy hazard

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I said “all day”, as in today.

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i doooooo hazzyyyyyyy
meow meow meow meow meow


What should I get from the steakhouse my family’s going to without me

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