Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]


Open a pomegranate yes or no


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how is that several people?

i outed tutuu’s 3 today because they kept behaving sus

this is your fault btw. i hope you were evil

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sorry brain fog kicked in

I was going have a pomegranate yesterday and then I realised “I am actually just doing this out of bloodlust and I will not actually eat this” so I didn’t

For what?
Add tomato slices if you want.

did i out Magnus claims? no

did i scumread magnus coming to this day? yes

i revealed tutuu claims because they are personally attacking me and digging my grave since yesterday

@tutuu like if ur here

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I think I’m one of three people who have tried solving into a v!Baker world.

did i out Atlas or any other claim? NOPE

do i think they can be evil? maybe

i have no info because i was pushed out of game by atlas early on and tutuu started avoiding me only to start burying me later on


Tutuu is likely good.

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i know and i am afraid of a world where you are evil and town is just throwing because of someone is paranoid and doesnt have enough courage to push you or others, so they are going for LHF chop

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I am a Low Hanging Fruit.

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Guys I don’t know how to tell you this but you can’t all be mutants


for the sake of thread health, i discourage publicly reads based on emotions


@atlas you there?

Chat do you think I can operate a juicer without guidance

I still don’t have my summary of how the Atlas / Litten / Baker whisper went, for the record. Nobody else does.

If you think I could do it, you could do it. If you think I’d hurt myself, take caution when doing it yourself.