Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

otherwise my explaination would be
“baker danced around claiming, said really suspicious and weird things, and then the whisper ended”

L:im here to watch
a: i wanted to prevent you two from whispering
a: was this out of necessity
L: both of you were supposed to gamble me and i only see one death
b: idt atlas trusts me so i had false hopes of requesting a whisper
b: what were you
a: i think you are evil
a: i will tell in a bit
a: what do we think about x/y?
L: i sent you both to suicide

then we talk about who is evil and what role from x/y and then i asked about how would pixie work. then i asked if they outed their role to x or z and atlas told me they will answer that after i claim. then i was talking about something else and atlas got mad and broke the whisper. i was lagging there btw and was about to tell them i am courtier

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That explanation can suffice.
Suspicious and weird how? Discontinuous thoughts, bizarre assumptions, random accusations?

slightly modified the words but they are free to confirm/deny this

jumping thoughts, only interacting with certain pieces of conversation

their words said inwhisper don’t line-up with what happened shortly after, and they’ve been lying or acting strangely outside of it

Atlas, can you confirm?

i didnt break the whisper, for one

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i broke the whisper

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I’m trying to more or less skip over what happened afterwards for the sake of aligning perspectives, since your definitive read was formed based off the context of that whisper.

Well, I knew that.

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i can confirm the first sentence
nothing else

oh right
then they moved onto magnus, instantly and abruptly

yea my bad, l.una broke the whisper but in general l.una was calling me evil because in their eye both gambler claims were supposed to visit them

why would I as a gambler visit l.una here? it makes no sense

These line up. It seems like either an intuitive or presumptuous scumread that Atlas is positing here, like “I think this person is evil, I’m going to drill into them”, and I’m unsure which one. L.una breaking the whisper must have been upsetting to both of you.

you asked about magnus and l.una called magnus = assassin

I don’t regret breaking the whisper of a suspected mutant.

and i had scumread on magnus based on gamestate

i did not

@baker im sorry if u took it as an insult, “squeaking clown nose” was an absurd sentence to write, it made me laugh while writing it, i was hoping for an entertained reaction when i posted it

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a: “i’ll answer when you claim”
b: “i respected your request…”

a:im gonna have a hard time leaving you alive when all i know is that you lied