Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Ice are you guys still talking


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me when not enraged

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you when enraged

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Whatā€™s your evil team ideas.

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Solving in the world baker is town is already scary.

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ill just paraphrase what i told someone (i cant directly copy paste right? or can i?)

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no copy pasta

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I go with my gut, the same gut that caught several deep wolves when no one else did, the same gut that was able to find fellow townies good when no one else could, the same gut that could consistently read baker, and the same gut that is decent at reading people I have no meta on and getting accurate reads. I make mistakes, but I have learned that if I donā€™t trust my own gut I accidently shoot townies. There have been games in which I trusted a public shotlist and neglected my own gut feelings and guess what, I was right. Some things canā€™t be explained with ā€œreasonā€, it just works. You should try trusting intuition more. I really donā€™t try to have a massive ego, itā€™s just I want people to recognize my gift

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evil team?

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yea one sec

(that was a copy pasta) (u didnt recognize it?)

I did.

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baker/bionic/jarek is the demon atm. i dont think itā€™s luna, game is so fucked if it is

baker could be anything from mutant to minion to demon

magnus might be a minion

may has potential minion equity but litten (l.una) trusts her

otter was almost definitely a minion

If Iā€™m the demon Iā€™m exactly the imp

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silviu is a minion if baker isnā€™t the mutant

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silviu and baker basically have the same alignment, i think

i disagree

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Iā€™m having trouble building minon worlds to begin with

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