Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]


what about 113?

I’m just going to say it in a minute if no one has any objections

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i do.

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theres something that happened that should back up their claim, right?

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pithag change

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not buying it

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who do you want to kill then?

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because i trust jarek

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I don’t think they claimed what they did as the demon


could they be a lucky imp?

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I mean technically yeah

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i’d prefer bionic to talk before you decide their claim should be outted


they asked for a 1010 to be on them

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actually wait

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VOTE: Kiiruma

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yeah no i fully support this. screw that guy

VOTE: Kiiruma
VOTE: Bionic

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Even if they are Imp
They aren’t getting away from divine judgment

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