Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

And the current one doesn’t?!?

VOTE: Bionic
VOTE: Baker

Allegedly no.


I like the new one as an avatar. Artistically… the style bothers me if I look too close. I’ll admit that.

That’s fine, yeah. I still like the old one, this is a break of sorts.

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It has a weird information hierarchy. Tgat’s not the term in this context but you know what I mean. It doesn’t intentionally draw eyes to more detailed parts by leaving the others spared; it’s all busy, there’s nowhere to rest.

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If I look from afar, I keep thinking Magnus has a moustache

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What I’m saying is that the fur is overshaded. I should draw again that was fun when I did that


When I put it on I kept confusing the glasses for eyebrows. It took a bit.

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Or even just commission art. Sometimes people made it for me as gifts when I was nice to them on flightrising dotcom

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Look at her I love her I should buy more art from this person


The glasses scream like hollywood big fashionista glasses if the lens would be thicker

And also how does it stay on your head if your ears are on top!!!


Canonically magnetic.

Look at her. She’s just hanging out. She is chilling


But I am also chilling…

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She is making faces at you…

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I should not be posting art I got on fluiht rise dot com I should be go to bed it is 3 am