Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

The way baker is acting now feels townie.

maybe the artist is Hui jing

whys that

Is there a way we can solve that?

well normally if we kill all the demon candidates and the game is still going then the artist is lying

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I think the fact that baker and Bionic are crossvoting when Bionic had been intentionally buddying Baker all day mean they likely aren’t both wolves. I also think that reflects worse on Bionic than Baker.

Whisper reasons. And his reaction to this wagon. I am fine with him being executed to clean uo worlds. But my gut thinks bionic is the more like demon candidate


art, can you get bakers read on bionic for me
i really dont want to use another 30 minutes on it


Baker, do you think Bionic following your votes all day is something he would be more likely to do as town or wolf?

what about baker’s reaction to this wagon is good to you

bionic isn’t going to claim


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After insisting that he hates claiming as a wolf?


they took 30 minutes to answer whether or not they thought i was scum and now they’re spamming “#freebaker

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The level of pettiness from both top wagons astounds me.


im trying to figure out if they’re the demon, huli jing, pithag, or just an used assassin trying to waste our d3

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Emotion. Anger.
Like his discussion with you didnt feel like a desperate grasp to not die as demon. It felt like anger towards the town and you. I dont think he would be showing anger as scum