Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

im just curious why magnus doing it instantly came to your mind, then

do what? i am lost

When did this happen?

what role did you give out as your half of the bargain of the roleswap?


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i did a pseuda swap with mag because we both included gambler in our claims but in reality i knew you were more of a gambler than them, so it left them with pixie/raven which made me scumread them all along

@magnus did you ever claim courtier?

atlas i think you are confusing things

I’ve never claimed Courtier.

mag never claimed courtier

okay. other then magnus, what role did you give out as your half of the bargain for the roleswap you had with x

lemme check one sec


my nr1 scumread is may atm

Im waiting for my 1 am pizza to finish baking then i go back to sleep

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Funny i was thinking the same about u

Im unsure if artemis is purposefully softing her role or not but i can tell what she either is or presenting herself to be


Its wild that we can lose today if we mischop and if we chopped the demon yesterday. It gives me anxiety

We don’t have to do anything.

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