Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Did you have a preference for particular people? I just wanted to ask a few questions, maybe give a word of advice.

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i was thinking that too

but the only other valid gossiper is someone

someone gossiped that magnus is evil yesterday

noone died last night

so possible worlds:

someone gossip. artemis minstrel. baker evil. magnus could be anything
someone gossip. artemis not minstrel. my brain is a bit fried rn

sure fine im so tired

do whatever

we really are just mass claiming for everyone now wow

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there are so many possible permutations between someone, artemis, baker, magnus. unless there arenā€™t. i cant think rn. but these players are so connected

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a hour till bishop comes in barging with the scruffs of multiple people

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but yeah we donā€™t have an artist which is a lol

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Consider the possibility that L.una didnā€™t believe you were the Gambler, and so didnā€™t expect you to die in the night from using such an ability.


me and atkas lied to you

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hold on


Iā€™m only ever voting tutuu and if people donā€™t go for it and I find out I was right then not even the ā€œI told you soā€ will balance the 1000 yard stare I will be giving everyone


thats fair

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You couldnā€™t have both lied to me.


You got me

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hiiiiii i mim m drunk and probably wont sober upp before nomniniations
if you guuys vote then ill lokk at tahe votes and unenrderstand them more ththat n the thread right now


i like to imagine this means Kiiruma is also drunk when tbey make the nominations


Kiiruma comes in a drunken Stupor and points at a couple people



and a number.i forgot

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I donā€™t know what they mean.

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