Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]


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Nobody is nominated.

Iā€™m right.


im allowing freevoting until nominations

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The story tellers will nominate whoever the town wants to execute. If people express their intention to wanting to kill magnus, the story tellers will likely throw their name into the ring, along with others.

specifically because theres a bishop in play

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Hazard / May / Litten.
Can we have a 4-way chat?

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i think magnus is evil

this post sounds really stiff.

That will count as 3 whispers i believe


do whispers count per person?


Snowe stated in the previous BOTF they ran that it counts independent whispers.

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I think it might be only 2-player whispers?


/whisper atlas

I wish to consult with you.

A 3- or more way whisper counts as a single whisper for all players involved.


whos alt is this