Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]


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My worldview has changed on some level, but I donā€™t imagine that a Demon in their position would claim an in-play character. My assumption, given Tutuuā€™s caution regarding me as a potential Mutant/Minion, is that they may have lied to me upfront, with their true role being something else that was in their day 1ā€™s set of three. Therefore, itā€™s not a topic I can fully explore just yet without further input, particularly not before 9am.

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ā€œMigraines are a frequent condition that can cause significant pain and discomfort in cats. These headaches, which are brought on by irregular brain activity, can induce a wide range of symptoms, including light- and sound sensitivity, nausea, and even momentary blindness.ā€



Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya

I have irregular brain activity

This is why you have migraines
Because you are a cat

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A cat with irregular brain activity

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Cats with autism get migraines confirmed.


10 minutes nya

And I donā€™t LIKE it


If the gossip cut the demon list in half AND we killed an evil day one why didnā€™t the tinker die to gossip

Minstrel Minstrel

This was with the three deaths

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Wait why would Tinker die TO gossip

Tinker whole goal in life is to confuse what caused deaths
The demon gossip is a valid break n2 thing

Iā€™m confused what youā€™re implying

BC it killed someone already so killing Tinker again makes it weirder

The tinker isnā€™t real