Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

My mind is mush today sorry I’m just moving tokens around in my grim

If artemis is evil jarek has to be good

same way other way around

Is that because we provide the only explanations for the lack of kills last night?

Yeah if you aren’t minstre and jarek was evil I would died

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If jarek was evil you have to be minstrel

Specifically, I would have to be Minstrel and Baker would have to be a minion.

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There is a mutant CC
Which sounds weird but

Could there not be a Huli Jing with the Pit-hag ability, as I’ve theorised repeatedly?

It can sink.

We would have no way of knowing that, mechanically.

think of it this way, magnus

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you take the scarlet woman token


and you strap the courtier, gossip, pithag, puzzlemaster, and artist ability to it

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basically Hui king with a minion ability is just a better minion

Unless it’s Mm

you then give it to a player and say “its an amnesiac ability”
how would the players handle it

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It’s a lot harder to strike a good Amnesiac ability when nobody knows how they work at first.

my perspective is we exile Kiiruma and kill Biotic and then manage actions to mech lock the game, which we can

the evil team cannot kill me and the other people at the same time

I don’t think this game is possible to mech lock.