Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

or they’re dead
i dunno how likely that is though

I have no evidence to back this, but it’s possible they tried creating a Mutant and failed.



thats fairly possible too

i dunno why’d they risk it, but, possible

Who whispered the story tellers beside me d1

me, someone, magnus

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There’s a precedent because it’s what YBW tried doing in the XVI game, and it’s a fairly basic and uncreative manoeuvre to make.


i forgot who else

you should instead be making good masterminds


I know Bionic did. I’d need to check.

Bionic did clajm Hui Jing but

I would’ve created a Puzzlemaster.

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If someone was registering as the artist why wouldn’t they fake claim artist

Artist is a very killable claim with Cannibal on the script.

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i think the cockiest play would be to create a good mayor


See if other is pixie one of magnus and tutuu is evil

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The way I see it, there are three explanations for the night 2 kills:

  1. Otter is a Pixie. This would imply that one of Magnus/Tutuu is evil due to the doubleclaim.
  2. Otter is a Huli Jing that was registering as Artist. This is not very likely and also does not tell us much, though it would possibly imply that Jarek is evil, and consequently that Baker would be too.
  3. Otter is a different minion and I am malfunctioning. This implies either that I stopped malfunctioning yesterday (due to HJ puzzlemaster) or that Luna’s guess of Jarek’s role was correct, which also implies that one of Magnus/Tutuu is evil.

We can test the minstrel

Actually, would an evil Mayor bounce Demon kills into all the high profile targets?

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Killing the demon so you can win in f3 as mayor lets go

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