Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Left of #356 could work in some worlds but there are issues with the Minion abilities I think we had it in #686

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#153 and #3 @may

Works for me

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okay but I’m not sasitifed by the solve

It doesn’t technically resolve #75 but

Actually no it doesn’t work

Yeah 75 is confusing but I think I know their role anyway

okay i caved in and downloaded the actual one
the only thing worse then my apathy is breaking my laziness


I definitely know their role and that’s why I think #686 is the solve

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alright im
going to channel my inner atlas and lay down
i don’t wanna think anymore

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Actually, yes it can.

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but overall those post numbers make sense right

like when you compare them to the ones I posted earlier

Yeah they make sense

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(kept dying)
(would die the same way on either version)

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Which difficulty are you playing on?


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i tried keter years ago
never again

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I would like to be on a very high perch such as a cat tree

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