Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

I get what atlas is saying
I’m just a scaredy cat and would rather Artemis rn

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what is he saying? (literally, i havent read pls. which one does he prefer?)

atlas is gone for the next 12 minutes

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I refuse to use any Pomegranate Tricks where you extract the seeds with water or whatever. I’m breaking that shit open MANUALLY and getting the blood on my hands

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oh right understandable lmao

let me iso

Hi Litten I got breakfast it’s a pomegranate

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either you or them is the demon, i believe
i think jarek’s emotional response is genuine, and jarek’s not evil in worlds where art isnt

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i see

so i need to weigh between kill who u think has to be the demon or consider playing it safe vs mm as per litten’s world

litten decided this in the last 40 minutes

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just to clarify we can always kill those people by playing it safe

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ive been afraid of mm for the whole day and i still am. but i wanna consider ur read on bionic. let me see. i have 10 minutes

that is how we get sent to f3/f4, likely with a tinker claim alive

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Bionic has posted a grand total of 20 times today.


I just have Bionic as a Minion.


I’m not even sold that he’s evil, I’d just be insulted if I was executed over him under these circumstances.


if bionic is the demon it’s still just jarek btw
Otherwise magnus or Artemis would be panicking and they aren’t
It also can’t be me because I would be panicking before eod

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@L.una are you sure that going for artemis is the safest vs mm? like not just a social read, but mechwise?


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Do you really think I’m ever not?

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