Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]


i don’t believe in Hui jings

May is leveraging Litten’s godread here.

I don’t eee a lot of nominating may

i know
it just confused me.

I will when atlas gives me the green light

I thought silviu is the courtier why didnt anyone tell me hes the mutant wtf

Oh yeah, a Mutant!Silviu probably would’ve gone off by now.

because we’re putting high stress on an individual who cannot keep their mouth shut



If this was a Po, it matters to me to know if there is a Puzzlemaster or not, because Baker has to have been a minion, so I was malfunctioning at least night 3.

Po doesn’t care about being drunk when charging

They just need to wake up and choose to not kill

there’s no puzzlemaster

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Then it’s Huli Jing Courtier, I assume.

Otter is nominated by the Bishop and dies. Out of the D1 checks, only Silviu and I are still alive.
Baker is nominated by the Bishop and dies. Out of the D2 checks, only Tutuu and I are still alive.
Everyone except for Jarek is alive D3.

What’s your current worldview, Artemis?

both you and may are claiming so, mhm

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That means jarek is good
Which means tutuu isn’t the po

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There is a living Huli Jing Sailor or Courtier or Philosopher or Puzzlemaster

do you think a pithag could’ve turned themselves into huli jing n2?

It’s day 4, shouldn’t we just be public about information that the living evil team probably has at this stage?