Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

The story tellers would process the gossip but they are under no obligation to

The Gossip only checks whether the statement was correct at the time of making it.

Could a malfunctioning Gossip kill someone?

Yeah, but gossip is after pithag


No. Malfunctioning characters cannot affect the gamestate.


I knew something!!

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I don’t think sivkih bluffs mutant anyway

If the Gossip said “The Demon is between 1-8” (false), and then the Pit-hag creates a demon there to turn the statement true, the Gossip still doesn’t kill because they made a false statement during the day.

@Lucain If a gossip’s result were to be true during the day and change to false before the gossip acted at night, would the gossip cause a death?

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Litten do I get to claim your read streak is broken

You killed me!

You’re misreading me!! You’re doing it!!

Like I said!! Misreading!!!

No! I saw the grimoire!


You did it!


Exclude the me worlds.

I’m the spy

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