Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

Is this like a pithag?

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Us and tutuu


6.022 (times ten to the twenty third) is a number that an avocado could be. I wrote 6.22 isntead. Also 5 is B



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You have to remember the avocado pit

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Out of all the peeps in the bishop noms Iā€™d do

VOTE: otter


Did I ever tell you of the time that, there was an extra credit assignment where for everyone 20 digits of pi we memorized, we got x amounts of points? Instead of memorizing anything, I wrote a story and encoded all the digits of pi into it and memorized it.


So the math teacher was like, at any time yoy can write down the numbers and give it to me
I told them Iā€™ll need twenty minutes to write my story

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I memorised them straight as a kid for fun. 3.1415926535897932384626433


I never got past there

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Everyone was always like oh I used this song I used this trick. I just remembered hte digits. Like you remember your phone number.

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My turn to press for elaboration.

Split them into triplets I guess? Like I remeber htem in chunks. 3.[1415][926][535,8][979,323][84,626][433]

Is that even right. I havenā€™t checked since I was like 8. Itā€™s entirely possible I misrememebred when I was 8 and never corrected

Yes it is right. The next digit is 8. I bet I could start memorising more now if I tried

Feels like a less than scrutinized slot

iā€™m sending this to the hell dualies to bully you

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What is there to scrutinize? She has 20 posts.

84,626 433 832,795 02,884 197 169,399 375 10