Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

okay thats good



i’d like to whisper someone (the person) before eod

I still have 2 whispers left and some things to figure out

im back, omg everyone talked so much

Should I read everything I missed?


discord is a godsend when it tells you β€œ25+” and not β€œ700”


i’m here now
do you know how regular whispers work


Not really, i only have done the neighbor ones

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yeah I see like 850+ and im ded

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regular whispers (aka unlimited whispers) are the things you do /whisper [person] for
its the same thing as neighbour whispers, except the fact you’re in them is publically announced and they dont have the restrictions neighbour whispers do

Nothing really important happened. The bishop has decreeded that Ice, Luna, Magnus, Otter, and Silviu has a player that is the opposite alignment as the bishop.

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heres the full explaination

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so like if I do a whisper, does it count for both of us with the 5 limit rule?

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both of us, mhm

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neighbour whispers dont count for the five limit

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And we can only pick from those 5, hmmm
