Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

Why were there three deaths last night from your pov magnus? Gambler is fair, what else?

Tutuu did not whisper Otter.

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I don’t think tutuu and Silviu are either demons in my worlds; atlas do you agree with that?

tutuu po is the most mechanically logical demon.

This was never answered.

It’s not recorded. Huh.

i agree mechanically
but socially, I don’t think it makes sense
i could be getting bamboozled but

they’d have to be with magnus, logically
but thats about everything that points to tutuu

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I’ve answered it. Po.
I think your kill was overlapped so you would’ve died anyway.

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po. right

po. with no pithag.

They whispered on D1.

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po. po with no pithag. po that cant doublekill on n2.


I was about to say that’s fine but it’s not.

no it works

magnus just has to be evil in it

I’ve offered magnus multiple times on purpose to may today to see what they would do but it feels like they are boxing themselves in for some reason

they have called magnus town the entire game

This is a lie, by the way.
Or at the very least, Baker was redeemable. We could’ve kept them as Pixie for the obvious thing, or we could have them change to a different bluff by the end of a day with a mere blemish on their record. There would literally be no reason to do nothing and hang them out to dry when we’d already whispered.