Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

Ok theory

Pithag is in play. And has been messing round with the minions


Well according to gamestate. An assasin likely happened n2

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nobody has claimed to be pithagged
pithag worlds are very, very convulsive
the pithag cant exist with art good
with may good. the pithag had to swap the demon to po n2, and they didnt nokill for no reason

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cause huli jing had to be created before n4
so po had to be made n2, and pithag swapped themselves out n3

There is a play where the pithag can turn them into something else. And then turn a minion back into an assasin. Giving them an extra kill.

Or a pithag could be hopping demons which would mean night deaths could not all be town.
But i doubt this option

tutuu not working moves off one not being the demon at least

Is the logic here that we know the two non-Otter minions were Huli Jing (because I malfunctioned N3) and Assassin (because you died N2)?

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okay, yeah
but that means both may and artemis are evil

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you malfunctioned n2, but, yes
pithag wouldve malfunctioned n2 if you werent malfunctioning

And this doesnt work why?

what happened n4?

what hapepned n2?

Technically, N2 I could have been registering incorrectly if Otter was Huli Jing.

and otter isnt for a myraid of reasons, but yes, technically

Hmmm fair

914 keeps turning my level 2s into mastercards and my.mastercards into.level 2s

okay complaining solved it

That sounds right for 914.

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