Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

That’s what happens when two info roles die n2

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they feel good they feel like they genuinly care about the game they feel like they’re solving

this is pretty much a social game

I agree with these.

if it’s mechanical it’s beyond me to solve it

I actually think if we lim in sil and artemis we win but
not sure about that lol


one second let me try to see if there’s a mech solve i havent really tried yet

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What was your read on Bionic again? The thread’s broken so it’s hard to read back.

I’ve looked for ages and my head became mush
i wish you luck

I don’t think they expected philio to go pixie

I think Tutuu is socially wolfy for suddenly starting to lowpost in endgame.

Is that a bad argument? That might be a bad argument.

ok good news
I dont think I cna construct a tutuu demon world

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I need to double check one more thing but
it seems hard

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I thought he was wolfy for denying whispers and for his patterns of activity, enough that I had no problem considering him as a Demon candidate. When the mechanics pointed to him, I was happy to vote there. I didn’t have anything super strong socially pointing toward him as specifically Demon, but I thought it was pretty likely he was evil anyway.

. Ayo

What demon doesn’t whisper

I don’t know, you tell me!! You were the one insisting Bionic was Demon!!