Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

Magnus was no mates every daybbut if they asked for it I think if they were dekon hosts would obliged

Silviu and Magnus are voting me. May was desperate to keep me as a Demon candidate earlier. Tutuu is cleared by Magnus. You also want to vote me.

Idk. All our info characters died and i was left in the dark for most of the first half of this game which didnt make me the most happy. But my thoughts are that the worlds where you are evil need to be taken out. And then if your not demon. I will be running over tutuu

But from socials alone. Jarek, Otter and one of baker/silviu

Why did jarek die

Jarek would not only be a minion but also be a demon candiateb

Yeah jarek doesnt work your right…

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What if it’s WIFOM

That’s copium I’m coping

VOTE: Tutuu

This is my preferred counter.

Litteeeeeeen how do I get out of cope world

Killing the demon!

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Mayyyyyyyy where’s da demomnm

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In my head and mind at this point

I want to follow my Instincts

Litten what are you doing to may XD

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He just does this to me this is known


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