[SFM] Assorted Universes Greatest Idea Mafia - Day 5 (4/17) - WEREWOLVES + SURVIVOR WINS

that’s my guess at least
the hider thing was probably a cover up that worked well ig or something
idk lmao, they could just be aligned and both of them could be scum

I know they claimed compulsive hider.
Unless I’m reading this wrong, the prevent visits ability only kicks in if they pick a townie at night, assuming they’re a hider.

They claimed this.

Role - Mafia Universe


I’ll ask the hosts to be sure on something.

If I’m right on this, then Catbae/Porscha are mech locked in a thunderdome.
I’m not going to assume that’s the case without host reply.

wait how?

You mean Wazza

If Catbae is a scum roleblocker, why would they target one of their partners which you’re proposing is me in this world?

I think Wazza is saying you being roleblocked was faked and it’s just a stunt.

Which is extremely possible if Catbae flips non-rb’er

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This ^^^

I think it’s coincidental too much

All I know for sure is that my investigation failed, which usually indicates roleblocked.

I’m thinking it’s more of a stunt atm because catbae claimed Hider first

Well anyways

/vote Catbae @Host_Account_2

@Leafia throw your vote on Catbae when you see this :+1:, ty

If Catbae/Porscha are thunderdomed, then we vote one of them out today no matter what.

I’m thunderdomed with Catbae

I know that. I’m saying that Catbae is also thunderdomed with Porscha if I’m understanding the hider ability correctly.

Not Porscha.
Their ability does not work in that way.
I already talked to the mods about another role not being written how it was intended and I was told “The roles in the classcard (up in the OP) are final and what will be used”

You aren’t.

A Compulsive Hider does not fail a visit depending on alignment
The hider you quoted is a Weak Hider:

“The Hider may each night hide behind a target. If the target is mafia, the Hider will die. If the target is town, the Hider will be untargetable by any and all night actions on that night. If the target is town and the target is shot, both the Hider and the target will die.”

A Weak Hider is like a Weak Jailkeeper except has the Hider ability instead of the Jailkeeper one. This game does not feature a Weak Hider

As for the idea that Catbae/myself are scum partners who tried to coordinate their hider claim, they asked me directly in thread who I visited N2. That doesn’t make sense if Catbae/Myself are on the same scum team. Granted, it doesn’t rule out that I’m scum not on the same faction as Catbae.