SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtous IV - DRAW AND HEADHUNTER WIN

I’ll respect Gorta’s secrecy but…

Yes correct, but if N2 convert happened then what happen to N1 convert?

interesting. but ash also has that same story being rbed n1 as well

True, both worlds are possible

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is there anyway gorta can confirm themselves to NOT be starting Heroine

No way whatsoever.

He said he is on Zorvo for some reason

If he is like observer/lookout kind of claim, I dont know why he isnt on me

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ight social game.

why in the world would someone pick me as a lich host btw. i am prone to be sus’d on

More the reason to suspect Gorta + Zorvo team, unless Zorvo uses greencheck ability today to reset votes

You endgame well, and probably won’t kill yourself off.

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i guess?? but i feel like theres so many better choices here

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Good morning!
Completely crashed last night; literally left Honkai running overnight.
Did I miss much?

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What’s Honkai?

You missed a lot, yep.

Ash claimed to attack Amelia.
Otter claimed to attack Amelia.
Amelia claimed Insurgent.
Hazard claimed to strip Amelia’s death immunity. (So Amelia should be x2 dead.)
Frost claimed to check Hazard as a Lich Phylactery holder.

Except with a Visionary / Heroine / Insurgent / Lich, Hazard’s ability couldn’t have failed.

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That’s the main thing.

Ash shits fucked.

Ok, so quick thoughts.

  • I will continue to insist I threw the potion, but I think we all know that already.
  • Amelia’s claim seems designed in such as a way as to provoke discord over discourse. I suspect they’re lying about their role and that the Lich we’re looking for.
  • From my understanding, assuming Frost isn’t lying, killing Hazard would make the Lich (who I believe is Amelia) unable to come back from the dead if we kill them D4, but given that they’re outed, they’d likely blow up their other target just to spite us.

I’m realizing this.

the issue is. they can only blow up a target if me and the other horocrux are alive.
so executing me will remove that completely

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