SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtous IV - DRAW AND HEADHUNTER WIN

notable on my home site for causing a mole in town circle by getting the det to claim to me, convincng them to claim to no one else, and then janitoring them

i love weird complicated wolf plays. may’s right, complex role does not clear me at all

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just debating on whether or not i try and get firebird to escape for the weapon





jokes on you i didnt take it
i took the heart : )

frazor moment

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IDK what that is don’t tell me

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all im gonna say is that its really good

FTR I had the train for a not insignificant amount of time and never forgot about it once. The time I triggered it on purpose to see what it did, it killed 0 people

that is because they were not in the way of the train

train fuckin hurts

also i still need an answer

You think I pay attention to numbers?

I toss Aleph ego at everything and hope for the best

All my guys are all 5s

ehh fair enough
whats the highest abnormality you’ve killed?

fair enough