SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtuous IV - Night 2 (13/19)

At most

There’s still 2 dozen other movies for every marvel movie

i don’t care how many other movies there are there are too many marvel movies for me to care

I’m just gonna say skill issue and move on then

in other news TOHO is releasing a new godzilla movie in American theaters


I’m gonna head out for the night, but last game’s proven that just saying, “Vote me if you want,” does not work as a defense.
So here’s a quick response to the allegations against me:

A: I have not been contributing game-relevant content to the overall conversation.

I have been contributing as much as I can. I’ve demonstrated activity; I’ve been vocal about my support and dissent and hesitation when it arises for me; I’ve posted a reads list (Magnus and Amelia have both dropped to slight scumreads; Frost, Apo, and Tutuu have been promoted to hard townread, moderate townread, and slight townread, respectively); I am generally engaged with the game.

I have been contributing as much as I can. Pointing to the moments where I follow town after it makes a somewhat collective decision and pointing to that as a lack of contribution disregards the environment that existed at the time. I understand hindsight’s 20/20, but I made my decisions based on the information and expectations that existed at the time.

B: I act weird around Gocj.

Even now, I do not know what to make of Gocj.

They outright claimed Marshall and expected the real one to counterclaim.
They accused me and said nothing to back it up.
They came, they saw, they left.

They remind me of Bartleby in that way: so simple that this simplicity can be interpreted almost any way you wish. But despite having jumped on their wagon as a joke, I was one of the few who stuck to voting Gocj, and I would argue that speaks volumes more than is being given credit for. Again, hindsight is 20/20, but no reasonable mafia partner is the second vote on their teammate.

C: I townread people for posting a favorable analysis of my slot.

This accusation is pretty much verbatim what Magnus said in post #4978.

I townread people who I feel comfortable around. It’s why I townread Plague and Apo and Fraxor, and it’s a system that I imagine makes me vulnerable to flattery. It is why I am distrustful of my vibe reads, and it’s why my reads on Magnus shifted as soon as they started accusing me.

Because of personal matters, I was not in a great mood when Magnus’ accusation dropped, and it only served to exacerbate the situation. Magnus is absolutely not at fault for this; I just suck at drawing a boundary between my mafia-playing and my personal life. I did not react well at the time, and my suspicion of Magnus stems from the annoyance I felt.

I have spoken about this before, but I do not think that being partial to the people you bounce off well is sufficient grounds for execution. I understand that it is not optimal to judge people solely based on how they treat you, but this is to serve as an explanation for how I read people.

D: Litten read me as BD.

I’m gonna be honest: what am I supposed to reply to this with?

I do not know Litten’s background or reputation.

I do not know what they are judging me off of.

I do not know anything about them.

It is hard to refute the points of someone six feet in the ground, but I imagine Magnus and Gorda are serving as the voice of their corpse, Litten’s Lorax so to speak.

Given the circumstances, I feel it best to claim now.

I am the Plaguebearer.

I made a Truth Potion D1 and tried to use it on Frost N1. It got roleblocked.

I cannot multitask, but I still have the Truth Potion.

At the moment, I’ve submitted making a Heal Potion for D2.

That is all the information I have.

If you have any other questions, ping me, and I will get back to you in the morning (or afternoon; depends on when I wake up).

Good night.

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Don’t underestimate Gorta’s capabilities.

That a Neutral?

No, unseen

Oh here it is.

Wrong role

You should grant me immunity to bleeding. :+1:


Here we go.

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I think Ash should kill tonight to prove themselves.

Wazza thought Snow was Wolf. Remember this.

Idk if it means much but if anyone ever asks if someone wolf read snow, Wazza did as their legacy.

Wazza also townread Amelia

Watch Ameila be Lich or some shit.

Nobody would want to self-kill like that. Killing someone else is verifiable, though.