SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtuous IV - GAME IS BEING RERANDED

I still think GoldenOne is lying. They said townslipping. Maybe they’re town and this is a reaction test to see people’s reaction to Blue Dragon vs Byzantium. I still have faith in Eliza that she wouldn’t just send two role PMs and unintentionally inform a town player that we’re playing with BD and then not say anything about it or not rerand everything.

Yeah there’s just too much wrong with the statement they made for it to be the truth as presented. If it is, then I’d have to ask why they got force-randed out of being evil and given a good role, and why they weren’t asked to say nothing about this, and why the game integrity isn’t broken into smithereens as a result

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i am loath to personally meta anything to do with modcomms so i will refrain

No they do not, but non starting scum kings stay in scum chat

Can you tell us why youre voting hazard?

it is very weird though
at this point i should like… probably stop wasting posts on one-liners

i will also stop wasting posts on being flustered by her highness

Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that I was told to say nothing about this and didn’t realize it so I may now shut the fuck up :zipper_mouth_face:

this is already a clusterfuck

Holy shit we can edit without mods yelling at us?

This is my new favorite site


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Because they flipped Mafia

I’m gonna go away for like idk an hour or two and I’m gonna come back and this chat is gonna be filled with stuff


That is my usual reasoning for voting people

Im not sure if this is a breach or not, but seeing as i dont see a rolecard posted as an image im going to assume its not

I was just confused :confused:



Im genuinely confused here


Sigh. I believe you now.

Great start to the game, my wonderful friends!

So totally a breach then, got it

This is so silly and goofy (I am so sorry)