SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtuous IV - Night 2 (13/19)


I assume so?

I see, I would prefer to be able to have a definite answer

If itā€™s only the Truth Potion, learning because the result was roleblocked:

Ash shouldnā€™t be told he kept the potion, since that wouldnā€™t be related to only this potion.


Ask eliza in your rolecatd then?


Asking questions isnā€™t illegal


Iā€™ll probably make social reads before I go to sleep and Iā€™ll pop in before I have to head out tomorrow

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When did I say anything about Ash killing herself?

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I misread it.

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Distasteful joke

Wow, rude. Heavy toxicity much?


Dark May really loves that joke


Not gonna lie only just remembered you were in this game <3


Dark May is just normal May with like 2% less forethought


I was working on this and Iā€™m just staying on Ash for now

fine, Iā€™ll give tutuu a look, but then I go to sleep

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So, tutuu is a bit of an odd one. The stuff that sticks out the most are the posts about Gocj. There was a funny post about two wolves and both being gamethrowers and then they commented about knowing Gocj being BD, but thought BD was good. I think I can put my blessing on this wagon, but at the same time am staying on Ash for now. I will be awake before EoD, so Iā€™ll look at Apoc in the morning and move my vote then. Apoc got off the hook for now due to having 600 or so posts.

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I will, however, be gone most of the remaining day, so after I sign off in the morning I wonā€™t be there for EoD

Iā€™d argue 600 more posts after getting voted is bad lol

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VOTE: Apoc

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Youā€™re in jail mate, how are you concluding that Ash is converter?