SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtuous IV - Night 2 (13/19)

Gorta’s correct, yeah. We all have the same understanding. The people asking Ash to confirm himself tonight are the same people who are willing to risk BD staying in the game because they trust his claim. That’s what is happening here.

the same claim claimed after a single vote and no pressure

for the NK? Nein, not at all

Not that I’m bothered by this but why does snowe have 5 votes anyway

I just got here I don’t know

Single vote, yes. The “pressure” was supposedly from you and I.

I’m almost sober again


Like my accusation alone can’t have been good enough right :pleading_face:

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Up until myself, Frazor and Plaguesimp voted Ash for different reason (my theory)

but when Ash claimed I was the only vote, so it was premature

I think I get what you mean by that

alright i am out of bed time to look through these wagons
I dont hate the snowe vote
May who was decently townie yesterday has fallen under the waves a bit today
I feel like people are just letting ash have the go ahead which is not the best
Plague i really have no thoughts on. i like talking to them tho
Why did snowe vote fraz0r?

@May @Amelia what are your thoughts right now?

they claimed before you did that tho. they claimed with one vote on them, mag pushing for them and me not liking their presence today.
which either makes them really jumpy or wanted to rip off this interaction like a bandaid

In hindsight, this was an overreaction.
My perspective was that I wanted to make a statement on the points you and Magnus and (presumably) Litten. The plan was originally to say, “If you want me to claim, I’ll claim,” and then I had the image of you and Magnus going, “sAyInG tHaT yOu wIlL cLaIm iF aSkEd iS a sCuMtElL” and doubling down for no good reason.
I was in a bad mood, so I decided, “Screw it; I’ll claim.”

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Im foing puzzles


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had Magnus not claimed the roleblock, then my theory would have hold the candle of Ash being last Visionary and actually lied about visiting me.

It still makes me paranoid sure.