SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtuous IV - Night 2 (13/19)

We will find out soon enough.

hi town i’m hazard


i wish i could have 2 actions tonight
please let me nuke everybody

Whenever I get pressured as king I have flashback to squire new players on TOL yolo poisoning me N4 with a deathnote that’s just a turd and calling me trash and then saying “u were so bad king u didn’t use finger D3”

theyre just mad you didnt finger them


I’m killing you


im sorry for that one

Wait you were definitely the one who got reported for claiming alchemist as king

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promise? :pleading_face:

Oh, I just can’t wait to be king.

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I hated the king finger meta it made the role so boring

but it was also really fucking funny when the EK started bragging about having a slam dunk on the prince and the prince just begged for their life

This doesn’t bode well for Jarek.

I can’t kill Jarek, unfortunately.


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honestly nothing does

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Rise now, stand and fight
Take your freedom, claim your right
Rise now, stand and sing
Storm the castle, kill the king


You know speaking of king I remember a game once where I stepped as sellsword king

who broke hazard

Then for the next 3 days a butler claim was like “I’m gonna kill you and step as king D4 king bye bye”

And then I died to poison 3 days later and the dude was bragging that he scumread me it was so sad