[Signups 17/17] AI Upick FM - The End Is Coming


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This will end up like Min’s post about do not like this post and she gets 14 likes

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Huh… Well, okay.

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Are Ruby and Aelin friends irl?

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I’ll be bringing back the heat map and archetypes, but I’ll be labelling everyone’s intentions towards others according to the heat map and comparing that to your readlists, you have all been warned.

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I am back from plane
I am now reading

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I have made the decision to change the game to 17 players and start the Week of Reckoning
Extras will go to backup


Arctic asked to be moved to sub
Due to not submitting names like the rules stated, Eevee has been moved to sub
Ruby outed
due to being last to in, iaafr has been moved to sub

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Good, good, less work for me.



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Poor Iaafr. I was looking forward to playing a proper game with them.

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don’t say things like this it’s gonna make someone pressured to out and then I’ll feel guilty and stuff

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I wouldn’t do that. I was excited to play with most of the people here.


Watch this mean both tied wagons are executed.

One of them is the Goblin and the game ends immediately with their execution.
The Mafia have won!

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iaafr it was good you were forced out. No sane person ever wants to play a game with you ever again /s

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Here’s your penalty for being mean to Iaafr; I’m no longer giving you the benefit of the doubt. I’m gonna read Questions FM and learn your meta.

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