[Signups 17/17] AI Upick FM - The End Is Coming

This should be funny.

So jaiden when can I borrow your upmost mentioned metal bat to beat our number 1 enemy of starcraft?


If mine isnā€™t a tabbyslime Iā€™m reporting the mods

Theyā€™re the ones who look at and answer reports.

that wonā€™t stop me I canā€™t read

The English language is a Germanic language
so yes
I can confirm

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weā€™re anglo-saxons
not monsters



./spec but I want to see rolecards

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ā€¦ eh?

Rome is in Italy.

And Italy was just part of the Roman empireā€¦


Itā€™s confusing, because the city was named after the Empire.

I know, I know, donā€™t have to correct me

Most people from Rome refers themselves as Italian, not Roman.

Roman usually refers to people from the Empire.


The same way as I refer myself as European, Or Magnus refers themselves as Australien, instead of their hometown. (or in my case, my homecountry.)





Feel free to correct me, if I use the word wrongly, or misspelling some words.

(You know, english isnā€™t my main.)


Pretty sure that when Dacia became a roman province, many romans from the place now named Italy migrated towards to it.

But who knows maybe the ethnicity changed alot within 1900 years when russians, bulgarians, hungarians decided to take a bite out of the 3 Romanian kingdoms before they got unified.

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Uh no its in rome?

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Rome is the capital city of Italy. Rome doesnā€™t encompass Italy.
Marlunaā€™s point about the empire and thatā€™s all well and good, though.