Silent Hill Newbie Friendly JOAT 10er 4/10 Day 3 - Mafia Wins

1 less now


4h passed from start and game doesnt have 3k+ posts yet, the fol culture is really dying.


This is bad advice, I advocate for any JOATs to claim immediately :shrimp:
Iā€™ll start


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Damn, missed SoD, Looks like you guys already caught your first wolf

/vote Demisha @Host_Account_1


See above post

Excellent snipe thank you Kanave

Q: Do you access the site on mobile or just desktop?

Actually though Demi getting defensive on post 14 like games ben open for a few mionutes at this point I think ur fine :skull:


<3 np i got u

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@Demisha did you really roll wolf for your first two games on here :upside_down_face: :-1:

If so Iā€™ll super-duper promise to not vote you out until 6 people alive if you sell out who the other person is

Demi be like "if you ask the people whop know me they can tell you i have no clue what iā€™m doing, that means what i say d1 canā€™t be sus

Iā€™m not certain theyā€™re wolf yet but not a great opener lmao

however, I think its best we focus on other stuff cause tbh I donā€™t think the Demi stuff is going to lead us to the other wolf, Iā€™m just leaving a note there

Presenting a resume of why heā€™s not sus before anyoneā€™s said anything

Not playing from your Smart Fridge

Casuals these days

Eliza had said they were considering voting for them for it anyways already iirc

okay Iā€™m not saying we should do this but it isnā€™t an AWFUL idea to get everyone to post opinions on demisha and then absolutely turbohammer

there have been worse ideas

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