Silent Hill Newbie Friendly JOAT 10er 4/10 Day 3 - Mafia Wins

yea eliza I think im gonna vote u


for a minute i forgot you were not playing the game and i was going to beg you to vote kanave

(only read this once I die)

If eliza flips town...

ok don’t give up yet bc yall kinda gave up on me today but we fucking GOT THIS ok

she might’ve been onto something with drinks/ranta, as thats not an impossible scumteam. Maybe look a bit more at Jaiden as well. Demi still seems p towny to me (again, look at FAM and how differently they’ve acted), if you disagree feel free since it’s lylo and like it’s not impossible they’re scum, they just read as town to me. That’s about it rest if on you guys lmao

If eliza flips mafia...

let’s FUCKING go

From how kanave went about it, potentially a bus so don’t ignore that. Don’t think she’s scum with Ranta then? idk just my thoughts. I’d look into spew and see how she treats different people to see partnership, I’ll likely be dead by this point so Lmao

I still scumread you

/vote Eliza @Host_Account_1


legit y’all execute me literally every game for the exact same reasons
even though they’re true half the time

JOAT 10er Day 2 - Votecount 7

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Eliza Kanave, Demisha, YoubutWorse 3
Kanave Jaiden, Eliza 2
Ranta Drinks 1
Not Voting ranta 1

Reminder to ping this account for votes and/or any mistakes.

Reminder hammer is 4 voted currently

Reminder EoD is at 2022-07-07T18:00:00Z

nah I was looking at questions FM and also from what I remember of the MU game u linked I still think you’re more likely scum

am I wrong? Quite possibly, but I’ve made a conclusion and I’m not gonna overthink it bc it makes sense



well what else can i do

I’d say make a legacy

my legacy is stab drinks and/or ranta

nobody follows legacies on this site anyways but tsill

Ranta - 2
Drinks - 8
Jaiden - 8

the amount of times each player posted today :slight_smile:

jaiden was sick so at least they have an excuse but

1 Like


I forgot this game existed

hey want to vote kanave for no particular reason?

you probably won’t but still
