Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

wait waht

am i blind af

I don’t like reading into that too much since there can be genuine IRL reasons someone might leave
but especially in RVS where posts dont take long to make, it’s strange and could be a frozen wolf

search @Frostwolf103 in this topic

Wait they changed their pfp thats why

gocj/frost not w/w

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I mean its a post that can be easily fakeable, not really a clearing thing

i think id be able to read creature decently once he posts

played with him on mu

i think hes like completely nai rn

Tbh if I was a wolf early D1 and I had to leave for IRL reasons like straight away I just wouldn’t post


Wolf excuses their absence imo but also we have literally 48h chill smh

Although theres like barely any flavor to work with

what is this in reference to
the not w/w read?

Yeah it’s probably NAI

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The thing with me is that anything you prob think of town i would do as wolf too which is like crazy and mentioned a lot of this in fam4 end game

I think the specific way you went about it makes it convincing
there was the detail of their PFP change being the reason you didn’t notice them, vs just saying “oh I didn’t notice they posted, idk how”

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I think only town members are posting right now

goc maybe town