Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

Oh shit Bar song Neighbourhood???

nyaaaaaaaa true I’m still underage! gotta wait a few cycles

You’re not invited

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Fuck j am a boomer

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I’ve been drinking since I was 10, gotta start em young

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does a town make this many jokes about wolfing? ik id make this many jokes about wolfing if I was a wolf and pretty new but I dont think I would if I was town


nyaaaaaa how old are you
I’m 20

Why did i read this as boner

i hate my life

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Banger reference

i think so

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The australian way :beers:

i wasnt referencing anything what

good to know tho

Oh right american lol

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I am also 20 but our drinking age is 18

you’re not joking…?

im referring to gocj

yeah :pensive:
so sad no alcohol

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what did you think I was doing?

No cure

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