Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

@Brakuren has died in the night. They were…

You are...


Genre: Pop

“Just like a prayer, you know I’ll take you there”

You are Madonna, :crown: Queen :crown: of Pop.

Your vote counts publicly as two, disabled in lylo/mylo.
You may choose two players to be in a royal neighborhood with. Any killing or protective action they take against you cannot be roleblocked.
Upon your death, a new election for a :crown: Queen :crown: of Pop will be held.


Interlude: REDACTED


Defeat all threats to the Town.

A vote for a new :crown: Queen :crown: of Pop will be held shortly.

@Zugzwang has won Sacrifice to the Taylor God!

Day 3 begins and will end 2024-06-25T21:00:00Z


A shot rings out!

@Zugzwang has died.

You are...


Genre: Electropop

“I did my makeup in somebody else’s car”

Your interlude is guaranteed to succeed.

Melody: Tennis Court

“Gettin’ caught’s half of the trip, though, isn’t it?”

When you die, the host publicly announces the result of your Green Light (or last if you die during the day), but not who you targeted.

Interlude: Melodrama (1-shot)

Intended to capture heartbreak and solitude.

You may target a player until the last 15 minutes during the day: only you or them may be voted for the remainder of the day.

Chorus: Green Light

“But honey I’ll be seein’ you 'ever I go”

During the night, you may target a player. Learn who they visit.

Defeat all threats to the Town.

A Green Light shines upon no-one.

I have a bomb

what the fuck

wtf was that

Bruh wtf did wolves just shoot the prize winner?

You know who is the bomb guy is right

Claim that shot now if town

Yes(?) but then I have to ask why I was bombed

Please don’t hand the bomb to your wolfreads aorn

I’ll be honest I expected to be told I was dead when I got feedback I was 100% expecting to be that I was dead but it’s that I have a bomb

if the bomb cant be passed back to ppl its presumably so you cant get killed today from it

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Looks that way. That shot 100% came from the wolves.

Let’s coordinate so a wolf receives the bomb last

you were fine last night dw