Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

Im playing quantum mafia

this thingy said that a bastard mechanic is voteless so I’m voteless now

well yeah how are we gonna figure out your alignment if you don’t know your alignment…

I’ve decided I’m voteless

The queen said hi and left


it’s like playing avalon and merlin doesn’t look at who the evils are

Use it on someone else

Queen as in queen elizabeth the III?

I want to make sure you are not wolf in disguise

if the queen thing changes daily by vote, we should decide a consensus together and vote that, so votes wont be spread out. if its spread out mafia could just vote together and stuff

:shrug: your call

no you are being annoying

I was forced to read thread

This is a vet bait

Do you not think I am just pulling your leg what I said?

Was I supposed to?

I would say this will spew people town when you flip wolf but you won’t even know your wolf team when you die :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

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Depends you believe it or not.

what is vet bait

if that means like a reaction check or something thats just stupid

Tp/lo on me

One night later

Doctor and lookout dies to veteran.

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