Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

VOTE: Zugzwang

kiiruma/leafia wagon dissapated curiousā€¦

werenā€™t you one of the first voters?


Doesnā€™t mean I WAS THE ONLY voter

the short answer is that discourse was not made for large fast moving threads of forum mafia lol

Going to head out to play Castle Crashers Remastered for the Switch since no one is paying attention to me and Iā€™m sleepy and could likely use a nap soon. :sleepingleafeon:

Ah you know what, go ahead and workā€¦either YBW is confused or knows my role bit too well.

feels weird seeing zug just kind of get votes when i havenā€™t even made the case that strongly but dunno how i actually feel about it

still in ketchup mode


Can you stop FPSing or whatever youre doing? You explained it as a loud alignment check, someone else asked if it was a gun. I was curious if it was a gun so I said ā€œIf itā€™s a gun, donā€™t shoot hazard, otherwise I donā€™t care who you checkā€ because I donā€™t fucking care who you check an alignment check is useful no matter who itā€™s on. Is there a fucking downside if somebody knows what your role is or something? If you have a check use it so we can have actual info, either that or youā€™re probably gonig to die tonight because you claimed a public alignment check.

Whats this

oh cool frost town, was leaning that way but nice to see a post that i feel real good about

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I donā€™t know what the hell you expected or wanted from me when I gave my opinion

Ok why was i gonna respond to that

You didnā€™t cared at first, I dont know else to tell you

Agreeance. Annoying. But agreeance

Whats agreeance

Ok i am going. Be back in a few

so real