Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

i don’t really want to engage with the gocj stuff because it’s gross but guava pushing for an execution on that basis strikes me as the most distinctly scum motivated thing out of anything that’s been posted so far

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VOTE: gocj

Guys!!! This is mean :((((((((( i am really hurtttttttt

I physically can’t determine someone’s alignment if they don’t know their own alignment and therefore I cannot solve the game with them here

Anyways now that i did the bitUNVOTE


again that’s something that you do not resolve by votes

either he violated site rules or pretended to viplate site rules, both are pretty unsavory but the in-game vote mechanic is not the means by which to resolve it, and i think using a shortcut like that to justify a vote as policy has scum motivation behind it

Bionic are you wolf


no I’m a bionic

@Frostwolf103 tho

i would prefer to, like, play mafia and not argue about that but i think the way you’ve been approaching the game comes across as superficial which reads scummy to me

Kanave probably won’t be responsible for the famine if one begins.

Just found out the game started too.

  1. It says tonight. 2. It only works on the player that uses it.

This is obviously a cat so locktown.

This is a villagery post so I’m willing to give Catbae the slimmest of townleans here.

Trying to generate discussion. Finding this protown here so giving Jarek a slim townlean.

It means the host can lie to us at any time. We can only trust the OP 100%

Yeah. Guava probably town here.

I plan on doing the same thing. Laughs evilly

My ability will provide me with a lot of fun.

This sounds like villagery indignation so Hazard gets a slim townlean here.

I personally don’t think Guava is being serious with that.

Leafia did you roll mafia this time

I am, anything that makes it harder to solve the game should be removed ASAP

:pleading_face: I mean I’m shitposting but I appreciate the sentiment

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i think we should stop guava from having fun

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Why does this oddly remind me of finrin

Even if it’s a villager doing it?

VOTE: Guava

Wolf vote