Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

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Also, I want to make it clear, I was roleblocked last night.

This time, actually roleblocked lol

Well, actually, I should specify, my action failed, which means I couldā€™ve been roleblocked or made an incorrect guess

Uh huh?

Why would Ari be incorrect guess? I did soft you my flavor name

So I dont think a town roleblocker would do this.

I guessed Ariana Grande so you better not have been lying

the only roleblocker already claimed to be on me N1

so unless thereā€™s another one, Iā€™m willing to trust catbae

honestly I feel like catbaeā€™s action was delayed or something though, since I wasnā€™t affected at all N1

I see.

Is it possible Derps have delayed Catbaeā€™s roleblock?

i did get a message that my mind was probed during night 1, i just didnā€™t get it until later in the day

Delay is negative, kinda?

This was the discussion I was having with Kanave last night, Iā€™m obviously the first one to point out to vig Bionic but Frost was hinting heavily at it with his play, and he acknowledged this, although when you called me out, Frost made no attempt to state that he literally did that.

It was me who said to vig Bionic

derps is confirmed as having vanillized brak n1

Thatā€™s the dead role already so Iā€™m not too worried

@SirDerpsAlot are you the reason we canā€™t see Brakā€™s flip?

Iā€™m gonna guess so

Unless thereā€™s another role that mind probes but that just feels a little weird to have lol

oh i really should read flips

Its easy, you ISO the hosts account


iā€™m still assuming wolves tried to kill me n1 gven bionic bombing me yesterday

Frost made no attempt to make it clear that he was softing we should vig Bionic