Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

Do you think it may be partnery? I don’ see why she would react that way to bys specifically

i think bys probably doesn’t just volunteer this role info as mafia when she could not claim it at all, thought the rest of her content is okay though admittedly my current model for reading her is to look at how incoherent and irrelevant her posting is

and i like this in terms of putting an immediate hip check on leafia and sizing her up against bys’s own expectations of how leafia enters the game as town - feels like a pretty real thought process

i don’t really think so and wasn’t implying that (you can see in my following post i’m townleaning bystander), but that did give me flashbacks of bys bussing pretty heavily in purgatory. would file it as a tinfoil at worst, though

in general i try to avoid making team based association reads like that on day 1 especially because they’re very very unlikely to be accurate and getting wrapped up in false positives is bad

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i didn’t find the answer interesting enough to continue to pressure you over it, because ultimately it would just be me telling you to do more which doesn’t seem productive, so i figured i’d just let you do your thing and i’d continue reading the 18 other players in the game

current townreads


this feels like a misrep of how gocj was conversing - they didn’t really cave, just admitted the read is an idiosyncratic one

Thats a fancy word i dont know

VOTE: zugzwang

posts overall feel safe and blendy, don’t really like the pushes he’s made

How confident are you in jarek

me repping my SAT words

it means that it’s a read that is particular to you, as in something that makes sense in your head that other people are unlikely to see - my feeling of that engagement was you respond to bys with “it makes sense to me” and zug is distinctly misrepping that to act like you are caving and abandoning the read, which is not what happened.

about as confident as I can be for early Day 1 - I think his posting is good but not unfakeable, but i laid out my reasoning in #1106 and it struck me as one of the towniest sequences from anyone so far because it felt like a read he had genuine conviction in.

I can always re-evaluate on a townread if I feel that it’s gotten stale, but for now he feels pretty good.

I see

Blegh 48h for d1 is a bit too much

VOTE: gocj

nah… 48hrs is good for people who are employed

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take a breather from the thread lol you’re gaming too hard
it’ll be here when you get back, let other people have some space

sup min

Taking a break is not real it cannot hurt you

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yooo :3

Yeah game started when I was in college then I had to go dine and sleep

I’ll prob only properly play tomorrow

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it’s cool to be in a proper game with you i think we’ve only done mashes together

i assume you’re catching up, but how much of the game have you read so far? got any reads on anyone?