Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

VOTE: Derps


Okay I deserve to know how you are going to grief me

And also an explanation on how this is a town role

vanillarizer with a positve twist to some extent

Okay well I wouldnā€™t use that on me if I were you

No fucks are given that day

Im sorry but you chose this

I really didnā€™t

Iā€™d rather take the voteless nonsense I absolutely hate being vanilla for any reason so Iā€™d rather not thanks

if you can beat someone in rock paper scissors Ill let them pick 1-6 instead


up to you to figure out how to do that

This is an fps

Iā€™d rather you didnā€™t in the first place to be honest

nvm @Jarek brak has doomed himself

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I ainā€™t claiming but I ainā€™t willing to get vanillaized my role does shit thatā€™s allIā€™m saying

Vanillizer in a bastard game is honestly extremely wack.

I know itā€™s a fps derps lol

suit yourself

wtf does fps mean