Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 2 - Game Over (Mafia Wins)

VOTE: pigeon

oh btw hazard is def a wolf VOTE: hazardwaste


I have 2/3 chance of killing Hazardwaste tomorrow

I also have 2/3 chance of killing thepigeonnyc

and Wazza too


guys i really think creature is town so

no ur mafia


derps low confidence

confused on why wazza isnt dead

Ftr it’s currently MyLo (host announced it after Kanave died and the number of living players went down to 10)

If I am mislynched town is almost certainly going to lose because there’s no other known town KP afair (if there is then they should just remain silent)

If someone else is mislynched perhaps I can save the game tomorrow if I survive tonight, as I can kill anyone in pigeon/Hazard/Waste (if all of them are town then we’re fucked)

If you really think I am town then the current best shot to save me and town from losing today would be to push the other player who is also widely suspected (thepigeonnyc) and hope they flip wolf

catbae tried to bomb Wazza yesterday but Wazza’s ability redirected the kill to whoever Wazza neighborized the night before (Kiiruma)


so is wazza outted

No, not really

Suspicious for it yes, but not outed

guys im like locktown look how uninformed i am

i feellike i play much different on fol than mu

or maybe ive just changed in general

mafia doesnt really feel like mafia

On one hand it’s a lot easier to post on FoL because you don’t need to wait for the page to reload

On the other hand it’s quite difficult to backread and ISO so you mostly gotta read by realtime interaction

