Site Bastard Setup Definitions

Bastard Setup Definitions

Any Forum Mafia setup on this site run in either the Vanilla or Special queues will conform to one of these three classifications. These categories encompass a wide variety of different games, so using them as a be-all of what has been included is not recommended. Instead, these serve as warnings about what may or may not be present.

These definitions do not cover forms of Bastard Modding, which exist separate to the definitions presented here.


Unless their direct presence is made known in the signup thread, the setup contains no false flips (e.g. death miller), alignment changes (e.g. cult), unusual wincons (e.g. jester), traditionally unfun roles (e.g. silent, voteless, etc), or roles that subjectively rely on the host (e.g. artist). Your role will not lie to you. If false results exist, the host must make mention of the nature of their existence.


A game which has the experimental classification may include any of the following:

  1. Unconventional or rarely seen mechanics that require the host to deceive players in any way (e.g. a role that interacts with the spectator chat, Insane Cop) or a high volume of more conventional mechanics that require the host to deceive e.g. Godfather, Framer, Tailor, etc. Including significant unconventional mechanics without direct warning in the signup thread usually results in an experimental classification.
  2. Mechanics that are conventional in certain formats, but unexpected in the kind of game advertised e.g. ITAs or events when not advertised in sign-ups.
  3. “Live Balance": Mechanics or roles that ask for the host to make decisions, independent of hard mechanics, that tangibly impact the game. Effectively, roles that cause the host to have mechanical influence on the game after the game starts.
  4. Games that break some number of forum game rules, even when announced.
  5. Egregious forms of intentionally misleading players, such as through loopholes in the OP’s wording that technically do not count as lying.


A game with no limits on inclusion other than abiding by the global forum rules and all forum game rules not explicitly stated to be null in the signup thread. Bastard games may feature extremely non-standard mechanics unannounced such as mafia roles that are told that they are town, alignment changes, and account jumping.



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