Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

womp womp

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I should be really paying attention to this game.
Neither of the top wagons are here though.

@Treasure do you exist

@TodaysStory are you going to pick a wagon

@Garfooled same

@Luka same

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I’ll move my vote to story to avoid a Luka lynch if needed


Yes you should. You signed up for the game. Now play it. Please.

Today can always just self pres onto luka burying them

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And you wonder why I scumread you. This EoD is pointing towards Luka being a wolf.

she can also self-pres onto Jamie

damn you caught me


me too :pensive:

Don’t worry guys they didn’t catch me yet. We are safe.


Good. Stay hidden. You’re our fourth wolf.


Luka just seems like a villager, I think they are too prideful to just give up like that as a wolf.


I will vote for jamie if story doesnt go over. I rly prefer story

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@TodaysStory if you are town I need you to say “potato”

bonus points if you also vote Jamie but that’s beside the main point


It does?
Do you not understand what I’ve been saying?

Bonus points if they vote Luka.

save it for tomorrow and pay attention to the real EoD wagons plz

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You’ve literally been flailing, trying to get the votes off of Luka and onto anyone that looks like a wagon could pick up steam on them.

Leafia im ngl this is getting tiring